Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Unearthing lost relics

I've only just discovered I still had a Blogger blog. Hadn't posted here in over three years (the previous posts have been hidden for this blog's new use). That's temporarily going to change, as this is going to be turned into a journal for the work placements I do during one of my university assignments.

First step: actually looking for a placement. I saw a post on the course's Facebook page yesterday talking about a one/two week placement at Twofour, an independent media group actually founded here in Plymouth. They've supplied programming in recent years to the BBC, ITV, Channel 4, Channel 5, Sky1, and various other channels. It's an ideal placement for me (I'd be a transcriber), but transport would be an issue, as there's no buses which go to where they are. The closest I can get to it on a bus is a 20 minute walk away (or just over a mile), and I'd have to walk a mile to get to a bus stop actually on the route that takes me as close to Twofour as possible. So I'd have to walk two miles each way, which at least isn't all in one go; I get a little rest on the bus.

Oh well, I'll apply now first, see if they actually do take me on, and then worry about the potential transport issue.

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